The seven-headed beast in Beatus and Revelation
13.1- Then I saw a beast rise from the sea that had seven heads with blasphemous names and ten horns crowned with diadems.
The beatos are copies of the Commentaries on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana that respect its text and the theme and situation of the images, although each miniaturist interpreted it according to their imagination, its technical characteristics and its quality.
Although the European Apocalypses were not copies of the Beatus Commentary, as they also follow the book of Saint John of Patmos, many of their images coincide in position and theme with those of the Beatus.
Here you can compare this miniature in twelve Blesseds and four Apocalypses, arranged chronologically. To enlarge click on the image.
All the images have been obtained from the collection of studies of our friend Jean-Luc Monneret, in which he presents all the images of Beatus and Apocalypse with their description.
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