Turismo Prerrománico > The measurement of the Temple in Beatus and Revelation

The measurement of the Temple in Beatus and Revelation

11.1-14 – Then they gave me a ruler, telling me: “Get up and measure the Temple of God and altar and worshipers

The beatos are copies of the Commentaries on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana that respect its text and the theme and situation of the images, although each miniaturist interpreted it according to their imagination, its technical characteristics and its quality.

Although the European Apocalypses were not copies of the Beatus Commentary, as they also follow the book of Saint John of Patmos, many of their images coincide in position and theme with those of the Beatus.

In our analyzes in the Miniatura Altomedieval Facebook group, we have found fifteen versions of this image in eleven Beatus and four European Apocalypses provided by Jean-Luc Monneret, which we present on this page in chronological order. In them we observe that, while there is a great similarity with the image of the Beatus of Escalada in four other beatuses, all copied on desks in Castilla y León over a period of almost 250 years, which confirms the importance of Magius in the desks in that area, there are three other Blesseds and one of the oldest Apocalypses with a similar structure although different from the previous ones and, finally, three Blesseds and the last three Apocalypses that do not coincide with any of the previous ones. To enlarge click on the image.       

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