To Christiane Maquet Dujardin who has provided us with the current photos that we include in the gallery.
Previous notes
- The complete Episcopal Ensemble of Tarrasa was declared National Monument in
1931and Artistic and Historical World Heritage site in 1985. - It is believed that St. Peter was the parochial church of the three building ensemble, being the cathedral and the baptistry the two others.
- It has gone under several restoration processes along the 20th century and from the year 2000 through 2008 a complete Direc tor Plan of the Monumental Emsemble that included study, restoration and revaluation.
(See first the general description of the Episcopal Ensemble of Terrassa)
Built with the same kind of external bond than the two others, San Pedro de Terrassa is the third church of this episcopal ensemble. It is the one placed more to the north and, according to the tradition of those times, it must have been a parochial church or some dedication of a martyrial kind. In our case, as there is a martyrial crypt in San Miguel it seems more likely it was a parochial church. Original it had a basilical shape with three naves that later disappeared as of the second stretch and, as it happened with Santa María, during the restoration in Roman times only the central one was rebuilt, in this case maintaining all of its original longitude. Also, as in Santa María, the result in San Pedro is a cruciform looking church, as it has reached now, where the first stretch of lateral naves that has been preserved serves the purpose of a crossing.
The outcome does not leave any doubts regarding the age of the chevet and confirms that the church had gone through several modifications previous to the installation of the altarpiece,what reduces considerably the possibility it belonged to the Carolingian period, in spite that the kind of bond could seem from those times. However, all that has been found confirms the utilization of techniques and structures already known since Roman architecture, at the same time that some of the details of great importance, such as the two apses with plan and horse shoe shaped access arch, and as the shape of the third one, San Pedro, that has a clear precedent in the 6th century’s architecture, as well as the fact that the three churches had only one apse although two of them had a three nave basilic plan, something unusual in Mozarabic and in Carolingian arts, seem to confirm with all the reservations we have exposed due to the complexity of the ensemble that has reached to these days and to the lack of a complete archeological study in the whole environment, the ideas we expose for the whole ensemble and for each one of its churches, is that everything must have been raised in the zenith stage of the bishopry, in the last half century of the Visigothic kingdom.
Other interesting information
Address: Plaza del Recto Homs, s/n, 08222 Terrassa. Coordenadas GPS: 41º 34′ 0,70″N 2º 1′ 6,67″E.
Information telephone: 93 783 37 02
Visiting hours: From Tuesdays through Saturdays: Mornings from 10 to 13:30 hours. Afternoons from 16 to 19 hours. Mondays and holidays closed. Admission free.
Historia de España de Menéndez Pidal: Tomo III
L’Art Préroman Hispanique: ZODIAQUE
Ars Hispanie: Tomo II
Templos Visigótico-Románicos de Tarrasa: F. Torrella Niubó
Conjunto monumental de las iglesias de San Pedro de Tarrasa
Pla Director del Conjunt Monumental de les Esglésies de Sant Pere
de Terrassa