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Historic environment

This church was discovered in 1999 during the work carried out after the implementation of a urban planning around the Morón de la Frontera Castle. The archaeological intervention, carried out by R. Fernández Ruiz, brought to light the remains of a Visigothic church of which only a third of it was preserved, the rest of the building having been destroyed in the 60s of the 20th century. during the remodeling works of the space where the current Church of San Miguel is located.

The building is located southeast of the municipality, in an area known as “Huerta de San Miguel”, at the foot of the northeastern slope of Cerro del Castillo and very close to the Church of San Miguel. Currently you can see the preserved remains of this church in the southern square of S. Miguel.


The preserved remains of this church correspond mainly to one of the pastoral rooms and part of the apse, joined by a thick wall of ashlars. The excavation carried out and the study of the remains located during the intervention allow us to place this at the end of the 6th century or beginning of the 7th century.

The first of the rooms, the most complete, retains dimensions of 2.80 x 3.60 m, and is built in ashlar and brick factory. The presence of a smooth fallen column shaft, made of pink marble, stands out and rests on the abandoned level of the building. Just at the foot of its base, a small cavity surrounded by masonry and bricks was documented, which has been interpreted as a possible pit for relics.

To the north of this enclosure, attached to it and delimited by a thick wall of ashlars, the apse has been identified, formed by 2 successive rows of ashlars and with a pavement made in opus signinum. Right at the northern end of the apse and attached to the wall, there is a series of bricks, slightly inclined, which seem to correspond to the start of a small arch.

The naves of the church are very lost due to the intervention carried out in the 60s, so only the beginning of its walls from the head has been documented, although the appearance of some fragments of columns and bases could indicate which would be composed of three naves separated by columns.

In addition to the remains of columns and bases referenced above, during the excavation process different architectural elements and furniture were recovered, among which the remains of a gate that must have been part of the head, as well as fragments of decorated and known bricks, stand out. as “Marciano series”, in reference to the inscriptions that present: SALVO EPISCPO MARCIANO, in reference to the bishop of the same name, a smooth sarcophagus, made of limestone, well carved and with rounded exterior edges, located in front of the southern room of the chancel and which has in the lower half a hole that goes through the entire wall, as well as a bell that is preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Seville and which is believed to belong to this church.

Rubén-Lot García Lerga for URBS REGIA

Other interesting information

Horarios y condiciones de visita: Libre
Importe entrada: Gratuita



Vera Reina, M., 1999: “La iglesia visigoda de Morón de la Frontera (Sevilla)” SPAL, 8, 217-239


