Turismo Prerrománico > Viajes > Viajes Recomendados > Asturian Preromanesque
Three days to tour the main high medieval monuments that have been preserved in the territories of the County of Castile.
3 Días
Proponemos visitar en Orense, una de las provincias más ricas en Arte Altomedieval, siete monumentos prerromanícos  y tres románicos en la Ribeira [...]
3 Días
In three days the ten most important monuments of Asturian Pre-Romanesque Art are visited in chronological order.
3 Días
We propose taking advantage of a trip to Galicia to dedícate two days to know four High Medieval monuments, a Visigothic one, an Asturian Pre Romanes [...]
2 Días
The trip proposed starts in the town of Bande, where the Visigothic church of St. Comba is found; from the 7th century, possibly the first temple with [...]
3 Días
A three day long tour in which we propose visiting in La Rioja, Burgos and Soria a wide range of Visigothic and Mozarabic monuments of great interest [...]
3 Días
Alphonse the Third, the Great (866-910) was a builder King. On this trip we propose visiting the last churches of the Asturian Art and the first Mozar [...]
2 Días
We propose a three day long trip to visit the most interesting monuments of the Asturian Pre Romanesque art and three first churches of resettlement i [...]
3 Días
Tour arranged by building date of the most meaningful monuments of Asturian Pre Romanesque art
3 Días

