Excursion to Bobastro, an eagle’s nest from which Omar ibn Hafsún dominated a large part of Al Andalus.
1 Días
The current province of Malaga was an important center of Christian hermitage between the 7th and 10th centuries. On this trip we propose to visit the [...]
2 Días
Three days to tour the main high medieval monuments that have been preserved in the territories of the County of Castile.
3 Días
El Bierzo hides very interesting secrets. On this trip of two days you can see churches and miniatures Mozarabic codices in a Templar castle.
2 Días
The Marca Hispanica was an important focus of Mozarabic culture whose architecture we propose to know on this trip visiting seven of its most signific [...]
2 Días
Proponemos visitar en Orense, una de las provincias más ricas en Arte Altomedieval, siete monumentos prerromanícos  y tres románicos en la Ribeira [...]
3 Días
In three days the ten most important monuments of Asturian Pre-Romanesque Art are visited in chronological order.
3 Días
Viaje de tres días en los que visitaremos el más importante monumento visigodo, el monasterio de Moreruela y una selección de mozárabe en el Bierz [...]
3 Días

