Turismo Prerrománico > Art and Culture > Castles in Spain > Index of files of castles

Index of files of castles


Castles - 10th Century - Toledo

In 981 Almanzor ordered one of his best architects to create a fortress over an existing one. Reconquered in 1083 by Alfonso VI and in 1177 Alfonso VII donated the castle and its lands to the Order of Calatrava that resisted between 1196 and 1198 resisting the siege of the Almoravids. Rebuilt in the fifteenth century it passed to the Spanish Government which installed in it a barracks of the Civil Guard. Located at the end of the walled enclosure, it is rectangular in two levels, with thick walls, with a moat on two sides and three circular towers plus another one added later.


Castles - 14th Century - Badajoz


Castles - 14th Century - Zaragoza

Also so called Castle of the Luna, it was donated by Sancha of de Abiego in 1175 to the Templars who supported it up to his disappearance. The current strength that dates back to the 14th century, constructed in stone of limestone, is of rectangular form with six towers, four in the corners and other two in the center of the major sides, of different heights and plants, in which there were distributed stays of very diverse use; the set is divided in two differentiated parts, the dedicated one to the defensive action or other one the palatial residence and of services.


Castles - 9th Century, 1st century - Tarragona

Castle Templar who to his dissolution would go on to the hospitable order. It is placed in the high of a hill and in him two differentiated well enclosures are distinguished, low, Arab of the IXth to XIth century, of great size by two staggered totally walled terraces and other one of construction templaria in the XIIth and XIIIth century of polygonal form and of great height, by five towers and court of weapon in the center that contains kas habitual dependences in the monastery of a military order as the church the refectory, the chapterhouse, the stables, the cistern, warehouse and silos.


Castles - 1st century - Guadalajara

Alcázar Arab conquered and rebuilt by Alfonso I the Battler in 1129, but its current appearance corresponds to the last modifications of the late thirteenth century. It is the largest fortress in the province of Guadalajara and consists of two enclosures, an exterior wall with crenellated towers and five access gates and the castle, with which it preserves four towers and remains of two others, although it has eight, with a single access door framed by two towers.


Renacentista, Castles - 15th Century - Avila

Built by Beltrán de la Cueva between 1462 and 1474, it is attributed to the architect Juan Guas, although the access doorway was built in the 16th century when the moat and the drawbridge were eliminated. Located on a hill in which there was already a previous fortress, it consists of two square-shaped enclosures with circular cubes in the corners. The interior, in a very bad state, conserves a central arcaded patio around which the chapel and the rooms of residence and servants were located. The towers are vaulted and in the homage there were removable wooden floors, to prevent the assailants from entering the interior of the tower.


Castles - 13th Century - Toledo

Castle constructed in the 13th century by the Templars, on an Arabic strength of which still remains stay in his interior, though his origin would be Roman and later visigodo. Placed on an elevation of the area, protected largely to more than 10 meters of height on the river Torcón and protected by ravines and a pit in the rest it is a great protected area for crenellated walls with quadrangular towers. The access in the south side, it is formed by two by two doors protected by enormous towers albarranas of pentagonal plant.


Castles - 15th Century - Soria

Built in Gothic-Renaissance style in the first half of the 15th century, on another former castle, at one end of the walled village, on the edge of a steep hill, protecting the border between Castile and Aragon. It was ceded by Henry II to Bernard Duguesclin -“I neither remove nor make king but I help my lord”-. Of pentagonal plan with towers of different form in the angles, of which emphasize that of west, circular, elevation, octagonal. The castle has two access doors protected by machicolations.


Castles - 13th Century - Valladolid

Built in the 13th century on a fortress before 967 on the border of Castile with the Lion Kingdom, and situated on a hill that dominates the entire surroundings, it is one of the most impressive fortresses in the province, that could never be conquered. Square silver with three rectangular turrets and a large pentagonal homage tower joined by walls more than 20m high, with a cylindrical cube in the center of each side surrounding the courtyard of arms. Recently restored, it houses a Centre of Interpretation of the Middle Ages and in summer offers concerts programmed within the «Evenings of the Castles», organized by the Diputación de Valladolid.


Castles - 11th Century - Huesca

Built by Sancho Ramírez as a base for the siege and the conquest of Huesca to the Arabs, located only 5kms away, it was the Royal Pantheon where Alfonso I “El Batallador” was buried. It has a walled perimeter in the form of an irregular hexagon with the door in the center of the south side with the church forming part of the wall and the homage tower attached to the south side of the church as a bell tower. There is another crenellated tower in the southwest of the wall. It was very reformed in the XV and XVIII centuries.


Castles - 13th Century - Salamanca

Origin in the 13th century, the present Castle was built between the 14th and the 15th century and has been very well restored in the 20th century. Surrounded by a stunning moat, it is formed by wall paintings which connect plant quadrangular and circular towers, notably that of the Honoring, with different buildings inside, with the door between two hubs, which would have a drawbridge to save the pit. Now houses an interpretation centre dedicated to the middle ages.


Castles - 14th Century - Palencia

Reconquered at the end of the IX century, its castle, of which there are very few remains, was the seat of the County of Monzón that the count García Fernández integrates in the County of Castilla towards the 990. The current castle located in a different place from the previous one and built on another existing at least since the twelfth century, dates from the middle of the 14th century and is composed of an outdoor enclosure surrounding a trapezoidal construction attached to a large square tower of earlier date. Subject of a great historical activity from its foundation until the war of the Communities, it currently belongs to the Diputación de Palencia having been during a period Parador Nacional de Turismo, today in a state of abandonment.


Castles - 16th Century - Orense

Also known by the locals as Torre del Homenaje, the original fortress was built between the 12th and 13th centuries. During the uprisings of the Irmandiños suffered major damage and was rebuilt in the late sixteenth century. It had a wide circular wall marked with towers, and the tower of Homenaje, as well as other dependencies, of which only the tower of Homenaje stands, of square plan and 18 meters of height, as well as some remains of cubes and walls. Refurbished by the City Council, since 2001 it houses an interactive museum about the castle and its history.


Castles - 15th Century, 1st century - Alava

Located in a magnificent strategic location, on the border line between Navarra and Castile, initially built in the early medieval period at a point occupied by the Romans, its first historical references are from the 13th century as one of the rebellious fortresses against Sancho IV of Castile. Impregnable  on three of the four sides, the current fortress consists of a tower, a one-storey annex building and four concentric wall lines built at various times between the 11th and 15th centuries. At the beginning of this century, two restoration and enhancement campaigns have been carried out.


Castles - 15th Century - Burgos

It is one of the castle – palace that the Castilian nobles constructed in the middle of the 15th century taking advantage of the problems that the monarchy was crossing. Of walls worked in stone, it has rectangular form with cylindrical towers in the corners, divided in two parts one was the court of weapon while other one was dedicated to the lordly residence; all this surrounded by an exterior wall of which only some remains remain. Very damaged in the War of the Independence, in the 20th century it has been restored and destined to headquarters for celebration of events.


Castles - 1st century, 14th Century - Toledo

Located on a hill, possibly on a previous Roman construction, the Casillo de Oropesa is made up of two very different castles, one of Arab origin from the XII-XIII centuries, with a rectangular floor plan with four towers at the corners, and another built on the XIV after a transfer by Enrique II of the castle and all its surroundings to García Álvarez de Toledo, also rectangular, with towers at the corners and a large central square. Stresses the imposing tower of honor, four floors and a crenellated terrace.


Renacentista, Castles - 15th Century - Cuenca

Built by Alfonso III after the conquest of Cuenca within a defensive chain created in its environment, of Arab origin its current state corresponds to a Renaissance reconstruction, in the fifteenth century. Trapezoidal plant, is located on a rock and built in sillarejo with ashlars in the corners, formed by three concentric walled enclosures and accesses not aligned, the central being an imposing keep. The outer enclosure conserves the remains of two cubes and in the central one there are other three.


Renacentista, Castles - 15th Century - Valladolid

Placed on a strength that existed from the 10th century conquered by Almanzor in the year 983 and turned to the Castilian domain in 1013. Of long and narrow tracing on a hill, the current castle was constructed, as different so many people, in the middle of the 15th century, though an exterior wall of the S XIth. It has the only door of access, in the this side, flanked by circular towers. The interior enclosure is formed by a series of linens that join his 28 crenellated buckets, with the great tower of the honoring in his center.


Castles - 15th Century - Burgos

Fortress built between a hill and a river in the second half of the fifteenth century on a previous one from the time of repopulation of the area, from which some remains have been found. Its plant, flattened and perfectly broken to the shape of the Peña de Aranda on which it sits. The complex, which linked to the walls of the town, highlights the great keep, which can be visited, ground floor and three floors. Despite its abandonment since the seventeenth century, it has been preserved in good condition and recently restored, includes a center of interpretation of border castles.


Castles - 13th Century - Ciudad Real

Reconquered from the Muslims in 1198, it belonged to the military order of St. John in 1215. Built in masonry and Ashlar stone, outside is a medieval access road, the shrine and a moat. Accessed by a gate to the courtyard of the Castle, where there are various dependencies, the 12th century Church and a cistern. There are three towers in its walls, more a watchtower and the tower of homaje, square three-storey, where they would be dependencies of the Lord of the Castle.

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